· Roofing and waterproofing costs are identified, controlled and reduced.
· Realistic budgets are developed.
· Life cycle costing is realized.
· Existing systems are maintained.
· Standards of quality and performance are generated and enforced.
· Complete design and structural engineering capabilities.

Why Use a Consultant Instead of Contractors or Material Suppliers?

Consultants play a key role in an efficiently managed project. Only through objective, professional analysis and diagnosis of existing roofing and waterproofing needs can you be assured of getting the best results. Our approach is: determine project viability, evaluate maintenance vs. capital improvement options, conduct pre-planning, budgeting and document preparation prior to selection of a contractor or material supplier. We work solely for the client; offering unbiased, objective and professionally prepared results with standards higher than most imposed by existing codes and manufacturer's guidelines.

We have the experience to bring the project in on time and on budget. We coordinate all phases of the project and act as project manager to relieve the client of the stressful task of evaluating technical / operational aspects that the client may not have the expertise available, nor time, to accomplish. Your building's walls and roofs are some of your most valuable fixed assets. Assets that should be managed to maximize efficiency and ensure the highest return on your investment. We will work with you in managing your building's requirements, including multiple properties and multi-building facilities.

By using the latest state-of-the-art technology and equipment, we are able to expeditiously collect, process and disseminate high volume data on all projects; thereby adding value to your initial investment with more precise and thorough information in return.